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Grace is powerful !

Updated: Jun 24, 2021

Do you know that GRACE can work powerfully ?

Very often we imagine grace to be that soft toy, - teddy bear types. We talk about it or claim it only when we feel pampered by God or when we have something new or when we realize that we are protected & safe.

Predominantly we connect the word ‘grace’, to getting something from God. That’s how tuned our minds are about ‘getting’ from God. Take a minute and introspect to understand how you personally use ‘grace’, as part of your terminology in life.

Yes! You are absolutely right about it, it is by the pure grace of God that you are getting what you need to be getting. If I have to put it in a single phrase, ‘Grace of God supplies.’ Agree?! Grace gives out. This is from your perspective of how GRACE works from God. This is how grace operates from God.

Now let’s just turn to the flip side of the coin. Like we see how grace works from God, don’t you think God will also want to see how it works from us? Your answer cannot be a ‘may be’, it should be a ‘surely yes’. He for sure looks for how grace operates from you.

His grace just didn’t supply your supplies but He supplied grace itself to you to be able to operate in and from the power thereof. That’s the truth. And He is so strategic. If He gives something, He makes sure He also takes an account of it. Remember one of Jesus’s stories - the talent given and result expected.

So then, it’s the same thing when you flip it around. Grace still gives out. But now this is from your side!

Hello!!! Do you understand? Grace that operates in you will work the same way God works. God’s perspective of grace working in you will be, ‘how you give out of the grace that is at work in you’.

Now, can you see that ‘grace’ cannot be just connected to ‘getting from God’ but it also very effectively means ‘giving to God’.

I was reading my Bible and I was shaken by the scripture once again. It says ‘Grace worked powerfully among the ones who believed in Jesus’

Acts 4:33-35 And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need

The poweful working of GRACE simply enables and empowers

What are you ready to give God today ?

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