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Giftings & Usage

Just received from God something, which ministered to me heavily which I also want to share here in my blog for the benefit at large.

For all of us as ‘servants of the most High God’ - called, anointed and equipped to do whatever we are doing in our capacity in the ministry unto God and His people, let the following scripture be the base to build.

1 Peter 4:10

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

The giftings you received and the connection & the relation that you establish with the Father God - in the private, is expected to reflect as giving and connection & relation to the people He created - in the public. In whatever form or shape it takes, as defined by the type and the nature of gifting you received, you are ultimately expected to relate to people and give yourself to them while you minister.

When you decide to doing that, basis the instruction from His Living Word, the Spirit works through you, as you give in to obey and start connecting to people in the form of gifting that you are bestowed with, the truth is, the CONNECTION between the FATHER and you becomes stronger and COMMUNICATION becomes real-time and without even you realizing, FATHER GOD admires what you do and pours out His grace through you to touch the ones you are connected to, and help get CONNECTED to Him.

We will just learn from Jesus. Remember how Jesus was ministering to the people, He was 100 percent connected to the Father God, whenever He was ministering, where ever He was, and the Father God gave Him the utterance to speak what He had to. It’s recorded very clearly in the gospels. This simply teaches us that we don’t need to wear an attitude or put up a show, just because we are receiving from God. We are after all stewards of His grace, His revelation, His entrusted gifting in us.

But He wasn’t praying or doing anything apart from relating to people and being very natural in connecting to them while He was on the field. This only means, He felt that confident in the Father God, in the relationship with the Father, which got accredited to Him because He separated Himself in His personal closet n prepared Himself. While He did that (relating with the Father God, knowing Him and knowing from Him) ardently in His personal time, He never forgot to give it out to people in full measure.

As ministers (levites), the following is what I have understood from my own walk with God.

We are

FROM GOD FOR PEOPLE (this is how we are created and called to be)

FOR GOD FROM PEOPLE ( this is how we are called and separated to be)

It’s simply great and both are invincibly true.


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