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Our Vision

Pursuit 1 - Carriage of Love

a. Anchorage is DESIGNED to be a representation of GOD’S LOVE for His people.


b. We are ENTRUSTED with the responsibility to let the churched and un-churched people know that Jesus and His finished work on the cross is the most lavished expression of God’s love for people.

Pursuit 2- Voice of God

a. Anchorage is EMPOWERED to be a VOICE unto nations. We believe in inculcating a prophetic culture in the church, nourished by and grounded in the Word of God in order that we impact the market place and the world with His voice and message.


b. We are COMMISSIONED to make an impact as His voice in the spheres of influence that we are blessed with. We consciously engage in spreading the good news about the saving grace of the Lord Jesus. We announce to the world that irrespective of their belief system and background, ‘only by believing in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross’, there is righteousness and freedom life waiting to be enjoyed.

Pursuit 3- Restoration of People

a. Anchorage is CALLED to help the backslidden to experience the Father’s Love and RESTORE them back to His heart. Anchorage is blessed to see people through the eyes of Jesus with no condemnation, love and lead them to the love called JESUS. Anchorage continuously works on eradicating the ‘orphan spirit’, which is the biggest stronghold of the mind even among believers, who battle against knowing and growing in the right identity as ‘sons and daughters’.


b. We are ENVISIONED to move into the society as an apostolic community emanating the goodness of God, banking on Him for miracles, signs and wonders as promised to us

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