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John Samuel

​Pastor John, an absolute lover of Jesus Christ, who sees to that, the Name of Jesus is lifted high in everything, every time. Pastor John loves God’s Word and in fact, is a pastor-teacher, who feels so privileged to have Kingdom revelations from the Holy Spirit. Fellowship of the Trinity is so much adored by him and claims that, the very individual and associative work of The Godhead had taught him ocean of things. He credits so much to the personal teachings of the Holy Spirit, that he has had in his early years, which in turn has concreted him to be a strong believer based on the inerrant Word of God.  His baseline to leading people is, to be based on the WORD and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to freely move in and through. He believes strongly that, the move of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of His power can be seen irrespective of the place or people, as and how and when God decides. He is totally against putting God in a box and framing finite ways for the work of God to maneuver in the ministry. As much as he loves to declare that God is sovereign, he is open for the sovereignty of God to take over in any walk of life. He claims to have known so well by experience and by hearing His voice in a very personal way that there’s nothing like FAITH & OBEDIENCE that can please God.


Pastor John Samuel is carrying an apostolic mantle, which can be evidenced through the number of leaders/Spiritual children, he has raised already with a father’s heart. He is also a great Evangelist and very passionate about one-on-one ministry. He is also gifted with gift of love and care, gift of hospitality, gift of teaching, gift of mentoring, gift of counsel, gift of prophetic utterance, gift of healing and deliverance.

Victoria John

Pastor Victoria, wife of Pastor John is a gifted leader, an associate in the ministry, serving alongside in the Pastoral office in Anchorage, well known for her radical faith. She proves to be a mother to many, very hospitable and caring. Having raised 3 biological children, she has learnt so much from God, to mother children in Godly ways.  She is a strong pillar of support and strength to Pastor John, complementing him wherever possible with clean discernment and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Victoria is gifted with ‘seeing’. She moves in the prophetic and word of knowledge. God uses her in deliverance ministry as well. Many have been delivered from demonic possessions and oppressions. She oversees Prayer & Prophetic Ministry, Women’s Ministry and Children Ministry.


A strong believer of discipline and Godly guidance, she has always proved to be someone who can be looked up to, for prayer and spiritual advice. In her early years, she has gone through strong foundational teachings in various Christian organizations in India, which also gave her opportunities to serve in Christian leadership roles for students in schools and colleges. She carries a special burden for the youth and the children. She speaks and acts in a very cautioning manner with clean intention to keep children and youngsters away from devious ways of the devil. She counts it a privilege to feed people with physical food, refresh and strengthen them in encouraging them to do what God wants them to do. She is a rare-find in terms of boasting about the Lord and proclaiming her faith about the supernatural ways of God.

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